Gluten-free drumstick cut with Salajka

Gluten-free drumstick cut with Salajka

We never get tired of chocolate desserts, which is why we also adore our gluten-free drumsticks
Next we need
  • chocolate frosting
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  1. Combine Universal mix, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, Salajka and make the dough by hand.
  2. Divide the dough into 5-6 equal parts, lightly flour it and roll each part out flat on baking paper or a Teflon mat.
  3. Put the dough together with baking paper or a Teflon mat onto a baking sheet and bake at 170°C for 8 minutes.
  4. Cook the milk, golden cream, Universal mix and sugar while stirring constantly to make a thick pudding. Add cocoa and chocolate. Stir until the chocolate melts, set aside and let cool completely.
  5. Beat the softened butter and then gradually mix it into the cooled pudding using a mixer.
  6. Gradually coat the sheets with the filling and stack them on top of each other. Lightly weigh down and leave overnight in the cold.
  7. Spread the surface of the gluten-free drumstick slices with the remaining filling and cover with chocolate glaze. Let it harden.
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Next we need
  • chocolate frosting
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